Is Jennifer Aniston taking potshots at Courteney Cox? BFFs in Hollywood are very, very rarely long-lasting relationships that actually have real value to both of the people involved – and not just some promotional gimmick cooked up by marketers and advertisers to put butts in the seats to sell more tickets and funnel more cash into the box office or a television program.
Courteney Cox Plastic Surgery Before and After Pictures 2025
Courteney Cox Before and After Plastic Surgery
However, Courteney Cox and Jennifer Aniston have always enjoyed a 100% legitimate best friends forever kind of relationship, almost from the moment that they first walked onto the set of Friends oh so many years ago. But there is definitely some trouble in paradise, and all started with comments that Jennifer Aniston made about plastic surgery.
They definitely weren’t flattering, and though they weren’t explicitly targeted at Courteney, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to put two and two together in this particular situation. Did Courteney Cox have plastic surgery?
What exactly did Jennifer Aniston say about all of the Courteney Cox’s plastic surgery procedures?
In an exclusive interview provided to Yahoo Beauty (and online website focused on beauty tips for women), Jennifer began to talk about how she’s committed to never going with any plastic surgery whatsoever – and then started to lob a couple of hand grenades towards her best friend, Courteney Cox.
Reportedly saying “I’m grateful to have learned from their mistakes because I’m not injecting (anything) into my face. I see them, and my heart breaks”.
Pretty strong stuff to direct at your best friend.
Has Courteney Cox had plastic surgery? Courteney Cox’s plastic surgery procedures are (probably) out of control
As mentioned above, Jennifer Aniston didn’t directly come out and attack Courteney, but she when you look at the other people that Jennifer has remained close friends with there aren’t any others that come close to fitting when it comes to overdosing on plastic surgery.
Saying that there has been some Courtney Cox plastic surgery done is the understatement of the year, and will likely win you the “Capt. Obvious” designation amongst your friends if you bring it up.
Courtney has always fooled around with plastic surgery, especially after Friends officially signed off on the air for good, and she has tried to recapture her youthful beauty – but it continues to elude her.
A lot of plastic surgery procedures that have been performed (especially in just the last few years) definitely aren’t doing her any favors, anyways. In fact, these plastic surgery procedures are probably only making her look older – especially the ones that mess around with her nose and facial structure.
Obviously, the two have been friends practically forever, and it’s not likely that this is going to build up into a big deal. They’ve had fights in the past (with the time reconciliations), so don’t be surprised if things are all back to normal in just a few short weeks.
If you want to see exactly how much plastic surgery procedures have been performed on the actress for yourself, compare pictures taken at the height of Friends popularity to those pictures taken recently, and you’ll see the major changes right up front almost right away.