
Julie Chen Plastic Surgery 2024

CBS news anchor Julie Chen is one of the most important women in all of the news broadcasting. She’s been hosting the reality television show Big Brother for the past fourteen years and is also the co-host of the hit CBS daytime show The Talk. Because she’s a part of so many big-name shows on one of the biggest networks on television, fans and critics are always watching her intently. If anything about her body or face changes, they’ll be quick to point it out. Did Julie Chen have plastic surgery?

Julie Chen Plastic Surgery Before and After Pictures 2024

julie chen plastic surgery before and after 2024

Julie Chen Before and After Plastic Surgery

Has Julie Chen Had Plastic Surgery?

For years, Julie Chen plastic surgery rumors have been circulating, but Julie Chen was quick to deny all of them. After many years of speculation, a few pictures from her early days of broadcasting came up, and they clearly show that she’s had extensive work done. What most people are most shocked about is that Julie Chen plastic surgery seems to have tried to completely remove any trace of her Chinese heritage.

Eye Widening Procedure

First and foremost, she appears to have had a procedure to widen her eyes and remove most of her traditional Chinese features. For a very long time she denied having any plastic surgery whatsoever, but in a recent interview, she’s admitted to having the eye-widening procedure. She denies having any other type of procedure, but experts claim that she’s had a lot more work done than just an eye-widening procedure. She says that the procedure wasn’t to make her any less Chinese; it was to make her appeal to a wider audience and seem more relatable. She’s even gone as far as to say that she doesn’t look any less Chinese than she did before, but experts agree that the dramatic changes have greatly altered her physical appearance.

Julie Chen Nose Job

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Julie Chen plastic surgery has been 100 percent confirmed by Julie Chen, but she’s still reluctant to admit to having any other procedures. Some of the leading plastic surgery experts say that she’s definitely had a nose job and cheek implants at the very least. If you look close at a before and after picture of Julie Chen plastic surgery, it’s east to see that her nose has become thinner and less upturned. This massive change to her nose can’t be attributed to anything other than plastic surgery.

Julie Chen Changes on Cheek and Teeth

World-renowned plastic surgeons have speculated that in order to get her current look, Julie Chen had to go through a procedure that stripped all the fat from her cheeks and replaced them with implants. This would expose her cheekbones, making them more much prominent and desirable for a TV personality.  Julie Chen denies that she’s had any form of plastic surgery other than an eye-widening treatment, but experts agree that there is evidence to prove otherwise.

Along with Julie Chen plastic surgery speculations, she’s also had to deal with people speculating about her having her teeth veneered. Though she says she’s never had braces, it’s easy to see in comparison photos that she has indeed had her teeth straightened and whitened. Having your teeth worked on used to be a very uncommon practice, but more and more celebrities are having their teeth whitened so they can have that perfect move-star smile.

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