
Cheryl Burke Plastic Surgery 2025

What is Cheryl Burke doing going under the knife again? Cheryl Burke, a mainstay on Dancing With the Stars continues to deny that she has had any plastic surgery performed whatsoever, even though before and after pictures paint a pretty different picture. Did Cheryl Burke have plastic surgery? Obviously, people are going to undergo different changes with their face and body as they get older, mature, and really grow into themselves. But when you are talking about fundamental changes in facial structure and body type the way that Cheryl has been dealing with your usually talking about a bit of “outside interference” – almost always guided by the plastic surgeon’s hand.

Cheryl Burke Plastic Surgery Before and After Pictures 2025

cheryl burke plastic surgery before and after photos 2025

Cheryl Burke Before and After Plastic Surgery

Has Cheryl Burke Had Plastic Surgery?

And while we probably won’t hear directly from the source about the plastic surgery that she may or may not have already had (Cheryl is pretty upfront about attacking anyone and everyone that even suggests that she has gone under the knife). And there is still rampant speculation that she has decided to hire a team of experts to make her even more beautiful than she was before with some plastic surgery.

What is all the fuss about?

Honestly, whether or not Cheryl Burke has undergone plastic surgery would probably have been a nonstory until just a few short years ago when she showed up to the Dancing With the Stars set a looking like an almost entirely different human being.

Her curves were curvier, her face was even more exotic, and she had a new unique look to her that she hadn’t quite had previously.

Attributing much of this transformation on new changes to her diet and exercise habits (what that has to do with the changes in your face, few will ever understand), she went almost immediately on the defensive to anyone and everyone that accused her of having a bit of plastic surgery performed.

Lips, Lipo, and Legs?

It’s pretty tough to come up with a definitive answer as to whether or not Cheryl Burke has really had some extra work done, but if you compare before and after pictures to when she started her career on DWTS and where she is today you’d see that something fishy is going on.

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Again, maybe it’s just the body maturing all on its own, and maybe her new diet and exercise routines really are shaking things up in ways that we can’t expect.

But maybe – just maybe – she has dropped a few thousand dollars on professional plastic surgery services that immediately upgraded her looks from already drop dead gorgeous to something even more spectacular!

Cheryl Burke Lips Surgery, Liposuction, Injectons, and Fillers

Her lips are the real major focus for people that believe she has had a bit of work performed. They look fuller, more defined, and definitely more “up front and in your face” than ever before.

Her dramatic weight change has also led to some speculation that she had extra fat vacuumed out with a liposuction, but again that cannot be substantiated – and she also flatly denies it to this day!

Finally, people are ranting and raving about how great her legs look today – though they never looked all that bad, anyways! She attributes this to that same workout routine, though there are stories of Hollywood starlets getting injections and fillers in your lower body to really “plump things up”.

Unless someone with hard evidence spills the beans about her plastic surgery performed, we may never know the truth.

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