cheek implant

Kari Byron Plastic Surgery

Television personality and artist Kari Byron has been in the public eye for almost eleven years. After being heavily featured…

August 25, 2017

Jennifer Grey Plastic Surgery

Coming of Age Before Our Eyes - Everyone above the age of forty remembers Jennifer Grey for her starring roles…

April 27, 2016

Janice Dickinson Plastic Surgery

The Self-Proclaimed Worlds “First” Supermodel’s Fall from Fabulous Grace - Probably one of the most notable women in the entire…

April 25, 2016

Jada Pinkett Smith Plastic Surgery

Multi-talented and Multi-troubled - Jada Pinkett Smith is a multi-talented actress and wife of mega star Will Smith, who also…

April 23, 2016

Hunter Tylo Plastic Surgery

Anyone who has been a fan of soap operas is familiar with CBS's “The Bold and the Beautiful”. It has…

April 23, 2016